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SK Guns announced the release the third production in its historic Mexican “La Revolucion” Series — the Pascual Orozco.
Pascual Orozco was a natural military leader. In October 1910, he was named Jefe Revolucionario (Revolutionary Leader) for going against the Porfirio Díaz dictatorship. A week after the Mexican Revolution war broke out, Orozco obtained his first victory, against General Juan Navarro in Ciudad Juárez.
This limited-edition production run of only 300 Colt 1911 Full-Size Government Models chambered in .38 Super pays tribute to the man who secured key victories in Northern Mexico. The gun features a high-polished royal blue finish with selective silver plating. Each pistol will include a special engraved edition number.
Consistent with the Pancho Villa and Venustiano Carranza productions, this firearm continues with a depiction of the “Monument to the Revolution.” A cannas lily, native to Mexico, is wrapped around the slide and accompanied by an illustration of a silver-plated Orozco on horseback to commemorate the victory he secured at the battle of “Cańon de Mal Paso Enero 1911.”